Seniors’ Eyes: Recognizing Signs of Glaucoma


Our eyesight often changes as we age, and seniors are more prone to numerous eye problems. Glaucoma is one such illness that, if left untreated, can have serious repercussions. Ileini’s Care, Inc., a premier home care agency in Monterey, California, discusses the symptoms of glaucoma in seniors and the significance of attentive care.

Glaucoma is a group of eye conditions that often result from excessive intraocular pressure and cause optic nerve damage. It is the most common cause of permanent blindness among the elderly. Early recognition of warning flags is crucial for successful care and appropriate intervention.

  • Progressive Peripheral Vision Loss

    Seniors may find that their side vision is deteriorating, making tasks such as driving or navigating through congested areas difficult.

  • Intense Eye Pain and Headaches

    Glaucoma patients may have severe eye discomfort and headaches. These symptoms might be incapacitating and have a substantial influence on their everyday activities. Personal care in California extends beyond physical help to include close monitoring of elders’ health, ensuring that symptoms such as eye discomfort are handled as soon as possible.

  • Halos and Blurred Vision

    Halos surrounding lights and impaired vision are both common signs of glaucoma. Seniors may have difficulty with tasks that need good eyesight, such as reading or recognizing faces. Recognizing the importance of clear eyesight for seniors’ quality of life, Ileini’s Care, Inc. incorporates attentive care and companionship into our services.

Are you looking for a home care agency that goes above and beyond typical care, offering customized services and even pet care to improve the health of your loved ones and their pets? Ileini’s Care, Inc. is the finest option! Our caregivers are trained to spot subtle indicators of illnesses such as glaucoma, assuring proactive and compassionate care.

Reach us today!


Blogs, content and other media uploaded online are for informational purposes only. Contents on this website should not be considered medical advice. Readers are strongly encouraged to visit their physician for health-related issues.

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